Marijuana Anonymous with MA meetings in Portland, Bend, and Salem:

If you find it difficult to control your marijuana use, if you think about using marijuana even when you are not, or if you have broken promises to yourself or others about limiting or stopping your use -- you may be a marijuana addict. Only you can decide.

The following questions may help you determine whether marijuana is a problem in your life.
1. Has smoking pot stopped being fun?
2. Do you ever get high alone?
3. Is it hard for you to imagine a life without marijuana?
4. Do you find that your friends are determined by your marijuana use?
5. Do you use marijuana to avoid dealing with your problems or to cope with your feelings?
6. Has your marijuana use led to financial difficulties and/or legal consequences?
7. Does your marijuana use let you live in a privately defined world?
8. Have you ever failed to keep promises you made about cutting down or controlling your use of marijuana?
9. Has your use of marijuana caused problems with memory, concentration, or motivation?
10. When your stash is nearly empty, do you feel anxious or worried about how to get more?
11. Do you plan your life around your marijuana use?
12. Have friends or relatives ever complained that your using is damaging your relationship with them?/div>
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may have a problem with marijuana.

If you have a desire to stop using marijuana, you're in the right place. To get started, take a look at the Marijuana Anonymous info "For The Newcomer".

Marijuana Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share our experience, strength, and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem and help others to recover from marijuana addiction. Our primary purpose is to stay free of marijuana and to help the marijuana addict who still suffers achieve the same freedom. We can do this by practicing our suggested Twelve Steps of recovery and by being guided as a group by our Twelve Traditions. Marijuana Anonymous uses the basic 12 Steps of Recovery founded by Alcoholics Anonymous because it has been proven that the 12 Step Recovery program works!

For more information call or text 503-567-9892 or email

Announcements and Events:

New Meeting Announcement: Recover By Numbers

This meeting's purpose is to help Marijuana Addicts use the suggested 12 Steps in their recovery. We provide space, materials and assistance for people to:
1) Start their Step Work; 
2) Re-engage after pausing their Step Work; 
3) Start a new round of Steps after completing their last round. We use MA's Life With Hope Book and Workbook.

We follow these safety principles. Everyone is welcome regardless of which step they are working. We strive to be open, to be flexible, and to encourage each other to work the Steps. We live according to the spiritual principles. Once a person has worked through the Steps once, they can help others. It is okay to be silent and not work, just be present. All are welcome. 

MA District 11 Service Committee Meeting

November 10th:  7:15 - 8:30 PM
December 8th: :  7:15 - 8:30 PM

On the second Sunday of every month, the district service representatives meet, discuss, and support the running of MA District 11.  Come and strengthen your recovery by getting involved in service work, or listen and learn how our MA district conducts business. The District Service Committee meeting follows the Sunday "Tokeless on Tabor" meeting.

The meeting is a hybrid format, both in-person and Zoom. You may attend using either method. In-person: Multnomah Friends Meetinghouse, 4312 SE Stark St, 2nd Floor Meeting Room, Portland, OR 97215, WA. Masks, wipes and hand sanitizer are available at the meeting. Zoom:  Meeting ID 815 7487 4670

Review Our New Daily Reflections Book Before Publication

Every MA member is encouraged to read, review and comment with any suggestions on the working draft of what will be our next book: "Living Every Day With Hope" daily reflections for each day of the year, written by MA members:

In-Person Meeting Announcement

MA District 11 currently has 7 in-person meetings:

Portland, Oregon

  • "Recover by Number" and "Tokeless on Tabor" on Sunday nights
  • "A New Leaf" on Wednesday nights
  • "New Men's Meeting" on Thursday nights
  • "Sober Stoners" (LGBTQIA+) on Friday nights
  • "Smokeless Sisters Alive" Women's meeting Saturday mornings
Bend, Oregon
  • "Curb da Herb" on Monday nights
  • "Not So High Desert" on Friday noons
Roseburg, Oregon
  • "Marijuana Anonymous of Douglas County" on Wednesday nights
Salem, Oregon
  • "Pink Cloud" on Saturday nights

Please check the meeting schedule on the right for details. We look forward to seeing you in-person!

Open Volunteer Service Positions at several of our MA Meetings and at the District Level

We have open volunteer service positions at our several of our MA Meetings and at our District Level. Being of service is part of our program and also helps you stay sober. Come to an MA meeting and ask how you can help.

COVID-19 Bulletin from MA District 11

Due to concerns about COVID-19 Corona Virus and your health at in-person MA meetings - some groups have suspended having in-person meetings and some meetings have transitioned to online meetings. Please see our meeting schedule on the right, talk to your MA meeting group contacts, or talk to your sponsor for current meeting information.

MA phone and online meetings are also available to everyone. Visit for information on phone meetings. Visit to participate in the chat room or online meetings. If you are feeling ill, please consider these options as an alternative to attending a meeting in person.

Isolation can be triggering to many addicts. If you are staying away from meetings, please reach out to other MA members and stay connected to your program by phone, email, or social media. If you don’t already have a meeting phone list consider making one, and if you do have one perhaps it could be updated if needed.

(Provision of web addresses above does not imply review, endorsement, or approval of the content of these sites.)

MA District 11 Safety Statement

In accordance with the principles of our program we want to create an environment of safety for all members. We encourage each person here to contribute to fostering a secure and welcoming environment in which our meeting can take place. As our traditions remind us, the formation and operation of an MA group resides within the group conscience. Therefore, we ask group members to refrain from any behavior which might compromise another’s safety and recovery. We caution members from getting involved with newcomers in matters of romance or business.

For concerns or to report safety incidents, please email: news segment and article about "Marijuana Anonymous helping people combat cannabis dependency"

"Marijuana Anonymous helping people combat cannabis dependency" was broadcast on our local KPTV news station on Feb 1, 2017.  See the news segment on the news website HERE.  Thanks to "Dave" and "Tim" for speaking out to spread the word of MA.

Beaverton Valley Times Newspaper article about MA and our new MA Meeting in Tigard

Front page news in the Beaverton Valley Times Newspaper, here is their March 30, 2016 article about MA and our new MA Meeting in Tigard.  Read the "Turning Over a New Leaf" article online HERE.

Did you know there are MA Meetings on the Phone?

Everyday:  9:00 AM and 5:00 PM
worldwide phone meeting for Marijuana Anonymous is everyday at 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Pacific time).  Just call 712-775-7035 and enter conference code 679941# and you're in a MA meeting!  See the MA-Phone website for more information.

Mar-Anon website for support and hope for those affected by another's marijuana use

Mar-Anon is a 12-Step program designed specifically for those who are affected by another's marijuana use. Mar-Anon is based on the 12 steps of AA and Al-Anon - steps that have helped to improve the lives of millions of people over many years, people of all faiths or none. We are not a religious group, instead the steps are a path of self-discovery and personal change. The 12 steps here have been adapted for the Mar-Anon program. Visit the website at:

MA District 11 Email Google Group:

Subscribe to our MA District 11 Email Google Group by submitting your email address: